Monday, January 21, 2013

so i finally made a tumblr so follow me on tumblr ------>  and i also have an instagram where you can see all of my other pictures -----> erika_steiner so yeah this is probably the last photo of the night i don't know maybe. cant wait for my open house tommrrow, good night!

sincerely, painting my nails purple
im so missing summer time. anyway tommrrow i have an open house for one of my dream high schools, greater hartford academy of the arts. cant wait im actually really excited.i have cleaning to do so ill probably post another picture tonight? maybe? i dont know.

sincerely, excited and tried.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Good morning, well afternoon but i just woke up. i have a busy day, lots of editing to do. ill post more pictures later.
sincerely, needs coffee.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

        this year is so not my year. anyway what am i going to take for an elective? i was thinking sculpting anyway i have an essay to write, until tomorrow everyone. goodnight.

sincerely, cluttered with thoughts.
sometimes i think to my self why does every care about how they look or what people think of them its stupid no one can ever be original  and if you are in anyway different from everyone, your made fun of. you know maybe the Mayans were right this world is coming to an end, not as in the sun blowing up but if you think about it humans are insane i mean just last month someone killed 20 kindergartners  more then 7,000 people are shot every day for no reason, celebrities are using drugs and alcohol and stuff to get famous, the media inst about talent anymore. what ever happened to chivalry? it hasn't left, but its on its way out. and sometimes i think to myself. stop the world, i want to get off.

sincerely, trying to understand the world we live in.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

ugh my feet are in so much pain i danced for so long yesterday.
goodmorning everyone! got my essay done finely now working on my art project have a fantastic day.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

enjoying my hot cup of Moroccan mint tea while writing my essay.
even thought it was Wendsday it felt like Sunday. anyway i have heeps of homework to do but really do want to do it.